Hi, I’m Johann. I’m interested in mathematics and computer science. More concretely, here is a list with some of my interests, roughly ordered by their usefulness in the real world / industry:
- real algebraic geometry, toposes, and their relation to optimization (sums of squares etc.)
- high-dimensional/computational/robust aspects of statistics/learning/information theory/geometry
- cryptanalysis, especially related to lattices
- optimization, in particular in the context of data science / machine learning
- optimal transport and applications
- machine learning and the algorithms behind it (theoretical limits, guarantees, and practical applications)
- artificial intelligence
A big part of my mathematics education was motivated by logic and cryptanalysis. I enjoy to look at applicable things, such as algorithms.
I like to combine elegant theory with useful practice.
If time allows, one day I would like to learn more about biology, chemistry, and neuroscience.
Feel free to contact me via [firstname].[lastname]@hotmail.de (PGP Public Key), I’m always happy to speak about math, computer science, engineering, life, and everything else.
This subpage was last updated in November 2024.