Conferences / Programs / Meetings
This list contains events in my rough interest area(s) in applied math. If there is an event missing, please drop me an email at [firstname].[lastname] .
The arithmetic geometry conference list can be found here.
WARNING: The list is automatically generated utilizing web scraping and language models. If you find a mistake, please contact [firstname].[lastname] .
- Algebraic Statistics in Munich March 24 – 28, TBA, Munich, Germany Algebraic Statistics, Probability, Statistical Inference
- Geometry at Infinity March 31 – April 4, MPI for Mathematics in the Sciences, Leipzig, Germany Differential Geometry, Geometric Topology, Global Analysis
- AI for Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science (Simons Institute and SLMath Joint Workshop) April 7 – 11, Simons Institute, Berkeley, United States AI, Mathematics, Theoretical Computer Science, Proof Assistants, Automated Reasoning
- Cryptography 10 Years Later: Obfuscation, Proof Systems, and Secure Computation May 19 – August 15, Simons Institute, Berkeley, USA Cryptography, Obfuscation, Proof Systems, Secure Computation, Post-Quantum Cryptography
- Cryptography 10 Years Later: Obfuscation, Proof Systems, and Secure Computation Boot Camp May 19 – 23, Simons Institute, Berkeley, USA Cryptography, Obfuscation, Proof Systems, Secure Computation
- SLMath Summer School: New perspectives on discriminants and their applications June 23 – July 4, MPI for Mathematics in the Sciences, Leipzig, Germany Computational Algebraic Geometry, Toric Geometry, Algebraic Statistics, Geometric Modeling, Particle Physics
- Proofs (Cryptographic Proof Systems) July 14 – 18, Simons Institute, Berkeley, USA Cryptography, Proof Systems, succinctness, zero knowledge
- Random Polynomials and their Applications August 4 – 8, ICERM, Providence, United States Random Polynomials, Zeros, Random Matrix Theory, Quantum Chaotic Dynamics, Numerical Analysis
- Secure Computation August 4 – 8, Simons Institute, Berkeley, United States Cryptography, Multi-party Computation, Efficiency, Security, Protocols
- Graph Learning Meets Theoretical Computer Science August 11 – 15, Simons Institute, Berkeley, USA Graph Learning, Machine Learning, Theoretical Computer Science, Combinatorial Optimization, Geometry
- Secure Computation August 11 – 15, Simons Institute, Berkeley, USA Cryptography, Protocols, Multi-party Computation, Efficiency, Security
- Algorithmic Foundations for Emerging Computing Technologies September 2 – December 12, Simons Institute, Berkeley, USA CMOS technology, computer architects, Dennard scaling, multicore era, memory technologies
- Complexity and Linear Algebra September 2 – December 12, Simons Institute, Berkeley, USA Complexity of Linear Algebra, Theory Towards Practical Linear Algebra, Randomness, Invariants, and Tensors
- Algorithmic Foundations for Emerging Computing Technologies Boot Camp September 8 – 12, Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing, Berkeley, USA Algorithmic Foundations, Emerging Computing Technologies, Hardware Technologies, Architectural Development, Algorithmic Issues
- Managing Memory September 29 – October 3, Simons Institute, Berkeley, United States Memory Technologies, Data Movement, Energy Consumption, Algorithmic Issues
- Managing Parallelism October 20 – 24, Simons Institute, Berkeley, United States Parallelism, Algorithms, Schedulers, Emerging Technologies
- Matrix Multiplication October 27 – 31, Simons Institute, Berkeley, USA Tensor Rank, Algebraic Geometry, Commutative Algebra, Numerical Stability, Communication Bounds
- Managing Specialized and Heterogeneous Architectures November 10 – 14, Simons Institute, Berkeley, United States Domain-specific architecture, Parallelism, Memory hierarchy, Compiler technology, Algorithmic optimization
- Trust in Decentralized Systems March 16 – 20, Simons Institute, Berkeley, United States Decentralized Learning, Privacy, Security, Collaborative Learning, Federated Learning
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